Registration is FREE

Upon receipt of your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list of applicants ( on a first-come first-served basis).
A notification will be sent to you in due course when a date and venue is confirmed for your class.
( Registration for Rei-Ki 2 Advance Level is only for those who have completed Rei-Ki 1 )

Course Fee

A payment request will then be sent to you.
Full payment of fees is required prior to course commencement.
Learn more about our course fees HERE.

Course Venue

Our Rei-Ki classes are mainly conducted in Hong Kong.
International registration is also welcome. For details, please contact us.

Due to the personalized nature of our training, student numbers are usually restricted and early reservations are recommended.

Rei-Ki Course Pre-Registration

**SELECT course level
**You can ONLY select Rei-Ki 2 if you have completed the Rei-Ki 1 Course with us
**NO need to pay now

Select Below: (required)

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Tel. No. (required)

Your Subject (required)

Your Message (required)